Alma Readings

Explore Your Divine Soul

Book an Alma Reading - Summer Special through 8/31
dragonfly landing on a stem in a garden.
By Julia Carmen
Reconnecting with your Own Self: What's an Alma Reading?

"Julia provides deep insight for self discovery. She is a valuable resource for me and I would recommend anyone who needs answers for their journey to seek her guidance.ā€¯

Julia invites you to explore your divine soul. Alma readings guide you to the Knowing of You, live life from the power of your true self, to move through life as you were meant to, and to know your birthright of all being - a light being.

Do you want to hear more from your soul self? What would it be like if you met your days with a feeling of ease and clarity? If in your relationships, your interactions with family, friends, and co-workers were all sweetened by a sense of ease? Could you imagine meeting lifeā€™s challenges with a relaxed and clear mind? How much more would you see and live?

Hand in hand with Julia, you will allow yourself a sense of ease to enter your life. With this sense of ease and a new way of listening to your soul self, you will engage life with humor, spontaneity, joyfulness, peace, and harmony with true self. You will see your own soul genius and find creative solutions to your lifeā€™s challenges.Ā