Beyond Self Care: Chi Chi Soul Time

Join our monthly gatherings

We'll meet the first & third Thursdays of each month, with recordings available to those unable to join live.

Monthly or one-time payment options are available, or contact our team for additional support. 

Enroll in our next series, starting June 2024

Enroll in a six-month series

"The Magical Papers is an empowering and insightful instrument Julia has masterfully devised to help others meet their soul-self. If you are curious on how you can "tap" into your own knowing, The Magical Papers webinar will offer you the tools to show you how. You will leave feeling fulfilled, grateful and a bit closer to understanding the divine."

-Coree Colbare

Chi Chi Soul Time is like self care, but for your soul.

We all need to nurture ourselves and these monthly gatherings are all about supporting you to look at where you are, what you need, and where you want to go in the greater context of your life.

What’s Included:

Twice monthly 75-minute online gatherings with Julia on the first & third Thursdays of each month (recorded in case you can’t join live)

An online community for additional support and connection

Monthly topics to discuss like the four vibrations, frequency of being, the dragonfly guides and more.

Your own copy of the Dragonfly Circle card deck and guidance on how to use it

Access to the Dragonfly Circle audio message library

Julia's experience and guidance may be useful to those facing challenges in the realm of mental health. She is not a physician, nor should her guidance be taken in contrast to or instead of professional medical advice. However, for those seeking soul guidance, Julia may be able to help quiet anxiety and create a better understanding of the context of certain struggles and help to support mental wellness.