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Hello from 2014 a day in Hawaii

Mar 10, 2022

It has been one full month since I have been home (Hawaii) and so much could happen if you visit the island. As for myself, this morning there was a downpour in the rainforest and when I looked out my kitchen window, a full rainbow in all her glory appeared. I immediately thought, take a picture! And I did, (sadly, the picture didn't come out). So, I tried again and again and again. Then I started to laugh. This is when  

I decided to make a conscious decision: TO BE PRESENT.  

So I took in her beauty. I looked at her and allowed the energy of the rainbow to Be and letting me Be myself.

We humans are funny.

Thank goodness to our Soul of Love that knows how to talk story with us. Over the next few days, give your distractions a rest (electronics)...allow yourself to have a break.
Go and look out your window, taking your own picture with your Heart and Soul. We are all blessed and loved.
