When we See the Peace within
In a "busy mind" we will only See the past and future concerns.
allows us to See the true Alignment of the Source in all that we do~In the Now~Of this moment.
Today, repeat these words 3...
Mirror mirror on the wall...who's the fairest of them all?
Here's a link to an NPR story about how we see ourselves - when we look into the mirror.
Below is a poem/story by Caroline Wong, about how she sees herself - enjoy!
Looking into the Mirror
Looking into the mirror
What a blessing it is to watch the sun go down, thats my favorite time of day. Being thankful for another day of living or to be able to say, ‘I got through another day’ and I Am here! On to bed to dream of another day. Si’
Sunset ~ Sunrise ~
Where is the wind blowing you?
Have you ever been in the wind?
And felt it's loving movement around you?
Today, stand in the wind of your time of...
She lives and breaths Us
Can you hear her sound?
She Rings her sound
Through Us
Within Us
Beneath US
Above Us
She only wants Us
To acknowledge her
To listen to her
So that we too will Be
of the knowing of who we are
The Big Love
"Baby" it's you!
Umm aren't we (not) The Babies of our lives?
Today We ~ See the baby of you today~
Are you wearing a blue or pink blanket ?
Or is it a blanket of Old?
A baby Sees things in the newness of time and space. All is new to "baby".
(Saying to "baby" self today)
I Am in...
Life and living this Life form ~ can and will ~ bring us interesting adventures ~ Si
Below is one of my favorite writer and poet ~ and so true ~ for Us all.
Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote:
"Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities no doubt...
This weeks blog is by Jie Feng. Thank you Jie for sharing your wisdom with us all!
"My consciousness of God as my supply is my supply." By John Randolph Price
This is a reminder about our true Source. Where do your goods come from?
We obviously know that it is Creator.
However, do we...
As my Alma Hermana, Tamar and I traveled through Glacier National Park on a beautiful summers day - and as we Saw the wonders of those majestic mountains, valleys and streams. All the Glory of the life forms.
I wondered...what do you want from Us? What are you sharing with us in all of the Being...
The Bus Story
I was brought up in a family that, for as far back as I can remember, shared the belief that any time a bus came by, we had to get on it and ride it to wherever it was going, We didn't know we believed was simply a way of life to us that we never questioned. I,...
Have you ever danced in the rain? And felt the loving rain on your beautiful body? As you walk in the rain of life See the purpose of this Lifetime. Your time.
Singing in the rain
And a ~ Prayer of Gratitude
As we move into the fullness of...
Who’s got your back?
Have you ever seen your Back?
Do you know every inch of your Back?
I have wondered, “where did ‘that’ phrase come from? I guess we could google it but lets just play for a moment.
Our backs are a large part of...